Een beetje moralistisch, maar als je kind niet wil opruimen, kun je hem of haar dit verhaaltje laten zien. Mooi, slow English, met een tekenfilmpje om de lol erin te houden. 20 minutes exposure to English. Thanks to T-series Kids Hut.
Savoury Saturday – Old Fashioned Potato Salad English Style
This recipe is by jewellkay and we borrowed it from, a site on which you can virtually find every recipe to every dish you ever wanted to make. Today we’re making an old-fashioned potato salad, with eggs, celery and relish. The …
Funny Friday – The many uses of ‘Shit’ (why grammar matters)
This is a word that you will use sooner or later, but don’t use it around your Mum and Dad too much. For foreigners the word is complex, because of its many possible uses in very different situations. This is …
Thoughtful Thursday – What if the Earth was twice as big?
We all dream of having twice the number of dolls, the amount of money or not just one, but two icecreams. Yes, you too! But not all that comes in double quantities is good. Have you ever wondered what would …
Whizkid Wednesday – Pronunciation exercises
Do you want to practise your pronunciation (uitspraak) of the English language? You can train here, with some musical clips in which you are asked to repeat the sounds you hear: