Eddy Murphy celebrates his film Coming to America that came out in 1988 and was a big hit. He plays almost all parts, as can be seen in the famous barbershop scene:
Funny Friday – Ushi meets Adele
En deze klassieker moet je gezien hebben: Ushi (Wendy van Dijk) die een interview doet (op z’n ‘Japans’) met zangeres Adele. Adele heeft zelf ook een sterk accent, maar wat Ushi allemaal brabbelt… Zet je de Engelse ondertitels even aan?
Funny Friday – The many uses of ‘Shit’ (why grammar matters)
This is a word that you will use sooner or later, but don’t use it around your Mum and Dad too much. For foreigners the word is complex, because of its many possible uses in very different situations. This is …